hey guys welcome back to sound VFX it’s been a while we have not developed a new tutorial it has been as if like we were inactive but yeah we did have some busy go there and also lots of you may have been trying to access our website and you’re not able to do that so quickly as the one in notice that we’re now moved to send the effects dotnet if you want to visit our website go to Sandy fix dotnet you may even be able to access and morals pacify in future but for now this to use them VFX dotnet that’s where all of our contents are you can get all the free 3d modified as well as all of our seminars and some texture data as well so okay now today we’re gonna model iPhone 6 ok the brand-new handset too late already pay aged now but the latest flex you from Apple okay will be modeling this iPhone 6 today and let’s see if we can make that as well as for the teacher as well I’m not sure I’ll be doing that or not I don’t want to promise you guys but patently I’ll finish the simulate part and if I get day I too do the written persona as well so the reason I espouse this simulation is because it has some good detailed information on a single piece like this single body has some buttons in there defects in there so we’re gonna get to a really good modeling practice if we start modeling this kind of stats so maybe if you want to do some rehearse would be a good employ for you that’s why I prefer you choose the this framework and so I “il be seeing” some skills how we can create these gaps and also repetition already made flaws on the next one yeah you can see here we have multiple openings right there and so on this is final render actually and the quality is a little low-pitched because of my PC moved some problems with heat and I had to buy a brand-new jug and I haven’t rear-ended that file it’s obviously then take a lot of time so and just go with this one okay so without wasting any more time we’re going to start modeling let’s go to 3ds Max and before starting anything up let me go to this folder here here are some of my makes okay I really verified that these are just a grassland yields though only the framework files okay let’s forget that and let me go to the back here I have some plans here the front feature at the bottom one we may need that to situate these flaws in the exact situates we are to be able to disappear a bit off of the blueprints as well but we’ll try to be as close as possible and I do have some invoke portraits here I will test those registers on our website sheet obviously they come from not my own likeness these are from other people I probed from Google and downloaded from there so merely try to find some is on your own as well but if you want to use this I’ll time applied the link to download all of them in our website okay I have some good references here it can be really helpful while modeling let’s get back here and I do have some texture documents as well I have some SGR ma just for rendering but I’m not sure if it that’s going to be in the tutorial or not I have this simple image here we can use the screen from here at the quality you can use these back paths as a composition as well and for the Apple logo we can use this Apple over here that’s it the composition constituent okay so I’ll likewise be attaching the composition 5 if you want to do it on your own it may be helpful okay so let’s get back to 3ds max here and we’re going to set up our plans click let me create some aircrafts here in front view first okay let’s see the portrait sizing now going to see qualities let’s go to items and that’s 964 by 1 791 okay let me go to modify 179 1 by 964 was it c9 64 1 7 9 1 ok I should be good sorry let’s come here let me press the J key to turn off the selection bracket and press the effort to draw it on edge faces I’m going to get rid of the span and diameter segments there we don’t need that okay let me create another one here in the left examine yeah now it’s going to be this sorry the portion 1 7 9 1 and by the way to let me examine but he’s that’s 210 let’s set it to 210 okay it’s good photographs turn off this real stick off and decided that’s better and finally we need one the bottom so let’s go now create a plane here may want to set it to 910 this room like sorry 964 yeah 964 and create it to center for this to work with cinder Lee why this look at the appendage hub okay this was for the G as well and let me move swiftly now for the bottom qualities details 157 seven okay now they are all done let me just take all of them and proportion them down because they are too big for me now just scale them down let’s go now I don’t want to fit it somewhere around that grid course there okay that’s better let me exactly attract this back please now we need to add those composition delineates which are our ideas in these idols here let me go to material editor I’m just going to ask sorry close that I’m just going to click this check box here go to bitmap and I need to browse it to my folder there VFX it’s iPhone 6 and blueprints go to the front name it breasted this one’s going to be slope one slope and next one and do the same thing bitmap and laden the side image for this one now load up the button okay I’m gonna turn on the see shaded information in viewport which is from there okay I’m just gonna apply them strike it and drop it as well I can be found in those misses there that’s a respectable defect now I suspect I need to work on anything for that let me turn on f3 here I should be able to see my plan and that’ll be a good for our ideas there I may turn f3 on all sides there so you can see it from everywhere and I’ll also turn off the realistic on everyone and good who said here today did you do that it okay see ya okay now that we have completed about blueprints next thing we’re going to do is select all of these the right-click go to object properties and then it’s taking time to open up okay go to the general tab and from here you gotta uncheck this so frozen in white-haired and you gotta freeze that so that highway you won’t be able to select your group in so you don’t mess with them okay you can’t suffice them and that will be good for you let’s go here and now we’ll start creating our objects so first of all let me go ahead with the box and I’ll simply articulated it approximately the dimensions of the this yeah okay and commit it some elevation clink and right at the end let’s see here and we’ll go to the side view here and then we’re just gonna pull back up and merely too much of that idea there here and I’m gonna increase the high levels of it I can see we’re a bit short-lived on here so let me just proselytize it to an editable poly and go to vertex mode and I can just pluck this vertex up do the same thing down that looks pretty good and I’m just going to press old-fashioned acts on my keyboard to go to x-ray mode so that you can see through the objective I’m going to go to the front view and okay first of all let’s go to the perspective now and I’m gonna name this reces is here and do a ogle oops sorry ring and then I’m going to time a chamfer okay and I’m gonna go right around there and increase the segments to something like four or maybe five to try to match that grouping up there that’s pretty good there it’s really short now perhaps do that go to vertex mode provided all these for there only pull that apart okay that’s good that sounds good now I just need to go ahead and go to face save the breast and back face there if you think the x-ray mode is disrupting you are eligible to precisely turn off that by pressing the alt textbook again and then I’m just going to ctrl click the edges so that I only get the outer advantages merely and then I can just go ahead Duchamp forget okay and now this time let me simply talk that to Jo first and then increase it we just require these two threads to merge with each other so let me simply bump that up okay we don’t want them to meet each other as well that that should be good I’ll really thumped okay that’s a good shape by the iPhone 6 that how it is the round influence a really good one okay I’ll disappear this surface now let me press f4 on my keyboard to get the edges there and let me go to vertex mode and I’m going to set all of the middle vertices ctrl and adopt more yeah and I exactly want to weld them together only well them okay that should be good that’s how we created cornerstone influence now the next thing we’re going to do is we’re going to separate the screen apart so that will be easier for us to work so let’s see how much is the screen and let me get in turn on the x-ray mode now and “youre seeing” the pitch-black section now up to this part that’s our screen there and hand-picked this front face now I exactly hit flourish okay that’s it that’s what I crave as my screen maybe diminish it okay yeah that’s it you don’t need to be excellent with the blueprints you can just sometimes do it on your own let me just detach it detach okay let me simply name that screen there light-green or perhaps outer glass maybe we’ll create a screen separated when your the screens to be inwards of this outer glass there that’s how the iPhone truly naturalness maybe something like that okay and this is the back fraction or the client perhap we’ll merely identify it a example – it’s not case back forget that we just need to be comfortable with ourselves with the calls okay now once that’s done now we’ll really hide this back portion here at select Ram we’re going to work with these vehicle glass first what we have here is the hole for the home button one and then other is these a talker button top here we don’t have a hole for this camera there you are eligible to merely use a composition map to create that that should be good enough because we won’t be able to feel that so we’ll create another object inside where we will be applying this structure for the breast camera okay so we just need two punctures in our this one now so for that let me go to perspective now restaurant all tax to turn off the x-ray mode and we’re just going to connect these lines there to create quads we have a down now we’re going to alter that into a quad so for that let me go to vertex mode and go to cut and maybe I just wanted to practic the sound toggle here and make sure the vertex is selected they recruit an on stair so that it will snap right to the vertex you can see I’ll just grab to the vertex that will be easy first you can click here that action yeah let me go to front view that should be easier now let me press f4 to get the a segments maybe I’ll go with this one first the other one yeah yeah also here perhaps let’s go up and only exploiting my scroll button sound that and just draw it down see that you can pan it that way there’s two more let me turn off the click as well as they trimmed implement that we have now quads there so even though if we lend in a expression smooth we should not get objectionable arise and that’s good you can see there okay so just leave that person for now now let me again go to x-ray mode to see where our from button exactly is okay here it is and we need to create a hole for that okay so for that let me go to determines here go to saco and I’m going to create a circle right there as a template for us something like that that’s a good sizing and go to modify tab go to interpolation and specified it to two is it 2:01 perhaps oh that’s one let’s go with one okay well that’s done I can only three now to see that they are properly and I’m gonna go here positioned it all the middle is is there and create a segment there exploiting the connect tool just one is be it’ll be good enough for me okay it’s better and I only want to push in this circle right there those borders to be right at that midst time also astonished my screen there and sell these two pipelines and pull it up simply to make sure it’s on that illumination there okay and now that’s done let’s go ahead to the chipped implement turn on the vertex and I’m gonna get in turn on the sound toggle and I’m just going to cut through the remark here okay yeah that’s better now okay maybe here set this one here perhaps pull down that route that’s okay I simply need to go to Target world and will these judgments is here this one up here yeah this one down here okay now we have some handguns again we are able to simply fix that speedily by going to the trimmed tool here to down here we can fix them all the way up that’s good let’s see it’s fine that inspects good understand this circle okay you can also turn on and off the move by pressing the S key on a keyboard you can see and minimise the curve there okay now that “weve created” that segment there we can just go ahead to select these four segments there let me exactly kill it a little not too much what I’m going to do is do a quick Incept so that will have a better develop when we smooth that out okay let me do a immediate plus there just a bit not too much okay this is good and then extruded in what not other statements exactly to little one first for the corroborating is there that mode and do a plus and get back right there okay and merely do it then that nature we get that circle there searches good let’s clean up this little bit now we pull this one down precisely try to get the topology clean that highway you your simulation will look like a professional model as well okay that’s actually not necessary but it’s good if you do that let me turn off the decision and be seen to what extent that starts where reference is turbos go there okay we get this nice circle there that’s good let’s go with two iteration there yeah we got it Zack oh and you missed the grain in ogle I don’t know you see that or not I’m seeing over right now that’s because of the perspective rate but that’s actually not an oval-shaped that’s already a supper okay that’s good we may add one supporting it at the top as well I did a de turismo there and let’s go ahead select all of these do a connect okay I’m going to straighten that out we’ll exactly kill all there let’s trade them down and I’m just going to pull that down only to address the pudding is there so you can see now let’s see each other smooth there I can see it’s not that acces over there okay the next thing we’re going to do is this top area here let me press f3 again to see where these it’s right here okay now for that it’s a bit tricky but that’s okay we need to go with circa first let me create a clique there you can see we have we already have the interpolation down to one so we don’t have to worry about that I’m just learning it a little bit bigger this time because we’re going to do it instead later on now let me go to modify it have right click this halo alter it to an editable spline and delete the first half this half there delete that and I’m going to merely a mirror this to other side with a mimic you can see we have number that I’ll just draw this upon somewhere around here okay and let me go to attach and it has these two together let me go to vertex now and let’s go down here connect I’m going to clink this vertex I’m sorry click this vertex here without giving the mouse click go off I’m going to go to another vertex and let it go click drag and let go ok that’s how you connect that together only turn off the convictions for now and now that you can see that find the circle there okay our appearance there we can now use that to create the hole there we’re going to use the same skill as we done before so let’s get going maybe yeah let’s go to cut and turn on the crack toggle and we’re just going to cut that so make sure you don’t Mason miss anything yeah we’ll go with this one maybe that’s pretty good and I can just get rid of this segment I’m sorry this wire here as well and run here now we need to turn these and grease-guns into quads again that’s for sure now let me go to cut again and then from here to up now let’s put off that sound there you can see you can when you’re doing you can see the icon modifications as we are on face we have a bigger circle there if we are on a line that changes it to something like this and if you are vertex you’ll get a small circle with a plus sign in there that’s why we can differentiate between when you are online or in cronies vertices or in faces so get that bird is there and come near now click there that’s good and we’re gonna go here perhaps we may add a few segments now on this one and this one there go to a hoop “youre seeing” the whole way up okay and go ahead and do a connect connect it up perhaps yeah and we’re gonna merely okay she begin we just go to cut again and cut it from here to now this one down two from this two down here same thing here we still have one end down in here but what we can do is go to cut acces all the way down we can just go from foot as well now we need to create one at this item here as well go to cut the whole way this course this line-up as well you know we had a nice curve now so we don’t want to miss that and what we’ll do is select these vertices there just draw them out of been trying to get that size smoother that gazes again and we’re going to do the same thing for this set apart here maybe we got some so this is there may be two no we have only one there let’s go to face and simply do a immediate Incept not too much you don’t want it to be too much but we’re going to do a two of them and then okay – extrusion inwards go to perspective here appreciate two exceedingly less one little one first that’s good plus get back okay and distill it there okay let’s go ahead and supplemented a turbosmooth there if we have any corrects our pattern okay you can see these are the problems but that’s okay we can add in some supporting borders down that will fix that let me get rid of these extreme procedure by hitting on 2x and turn off the senilities by pressing f4 I can see here let’s go ahead to close-up – really gone that looks really good also this circle is really good as well so with that we’re done with the screen part or the outro blaster and it’s already been a long to tour once somewhere on 25 or 30 minutes maybe so I’ll just stop it right here and we’ll see you guys in the next responsibility we will and do the body part so guys hope you guys experienced it I will see you guys in the next one thank you for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel like our Facebook page as well as visit our websites and VFX dotnet for more merriment and agitating seminars along with free 3d simulates as well thank you guys for watching have a good day enjoy
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